"– Varázsló vagy, ha nem tudnád!
– Ja… tényleg."
J:K: Rowling: Harry Potter és a Halál ereklyéi, 535. oldal
Angol nyelven
From friendly fireside chats in the Gryffindor common room to a crowded breakfast table at The Burrow, the Harry Potter films are filled with cozy moments of friendship, family, and home.
Inspired by those special moments, Harry Potter: Cozy Comforts for All Seasons offers more than 25 crafts, and activities to help you celebrate and share the comforting moments from the Harry Potter films in your own home. Divided into four chapters, one for each season of the year, projects include a wide range of crafts and activities including candle-making, quilting, jam-making, macramé, wreaths, felting, ceramics, and more. Make a Deathly Hallows wreath from the fauna around your home. Piece together a colorful quilt inspired by your favorite house. Make Honeydukes-inspired candies right in your own kitchen. Featuring step-by-step instructions and gorgeous photography, alongside behind-the-scenes facts, concept art, and film stills, Harry Potter: Cozy Crafts is perfect for crafters, makers, homebodies, and Harry Potter fans everywhere.
Angol nyelven
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