Minden, amit a különböző horgolásmintákról tudni akartál: a horgolás nagyasszonya, Esme Crick mutatja be a legnépszerűbb horgolásmintákat 52 kártya segítségével.
Find a new way to learn crochet with this card deck of 52 stitches to get you started!
In this unique card deck you'll find step-by-step instructions for 52 simple stitches and textural stitch patterns to up your crochet game. Each card shows the finished stitch texture with clear and concise instructions on how to crochet it, attractively designed and all presented in a neat and pretty box.
A perfect introduction to crochet for beginners and improvers, this deck showcases a wide range of stitches and stitch patterns in an easy to learn - and to refer back to - format. For more experienced crocheters, the deck is the perfect inspiration tool, making it easy to find a new stitch to incorporate into a project. The cards are robust enough to be tucked into a project bag, making crochet on the go easy and fun.
With a handy 24-page booklet providing beginner instructions for all the foundation stitches, the cards in this deck are designed to be taken out into the world, meaning you can learn on the go and making it easy to always have a project at hand.
Written in US crochet terms and presented in a wafer sealed box, this Crochet Stitches card deck contains all the information you need to know to get started - just add yarn and hook, and away you go!
Author Esme Crick has been pioneering the rediscovery of all the incredible stitches and textures available to the crocheter in her book Mix and Match Modern Crochet Blankets, from which the stitches in this deck have been excerpted.
Whether you are a keen crocheter or an absolute beginner, this invaluable deck is your go-to tool for everything you need to start - or continue - your crochet journey.
Release date: 2024
Finish: Cards
Dimensions: 150 × 95 mm
Pages: 52
Author: Esme Crick
Angol nyelven
Nyelv: | angol |
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